100% functional!
You will have access to all your applications, software... from google play in Prémíùm mode, gold and paid status.
On your favorite games, you will be credited unlimited. Gold, silver, Diamond, unlimited credit resources. Example I downloaded the Drift Max Pro game and I was credited with more than 1,000,000,000 Gold and $1,000,000,000 knowing that 50k gold costs $13
View attachment 1019
If you download Netflix, you will have the Prémíùm version without any registration. Language English.
You will have all your applications in Prémíùm version and paid status
-All games credited, MARVEL Super War, Roblox, no limit...
-All antivirus : paid Prémíùm version
-All productivity software : paid Prémíùm version
-All google play : paid Prémíùm version
unlimited free apps