- Aug 20, 2022
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I made this thread dahil medyo bored ako hehe at least may bagong kaalaman ako at kayo rin! Ishare ko sa inyo kung paanong mag install ng NGINX sa windows pc or laptop, (puede rin sa VPS na Windows Server) ninyo.
ABOUT NGINX. Ano ang NGINX? Intro muna tayo... Engine X pala ang pronounciation ng NGINX.
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 21.55% busiest sites in July 2022. Here are some of the success stories: Dropbox, Nétflí×, Wordpress.com, FastMail.FM.
The sources and documentation are distributed under the 2-clause BSD-like license.
Commercial support is available from Nginx, Inc.
Anong gamit kong pang testing ng NGINX?
Lenovo Think PAD T420
Windows 10 PRO X64
ABOUT NGINX. Ano ang NGINX? Intro muna tayo... Engine X pala ang pronounciation ng NGINX.
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 21.55% busiest sites in July 2022. Here are some of the success stories: Dropbox, Nétflí×, Wordpress.com, FastMail.FM.
The sources and documentation are distributed under the 2-clause BSD-like license.
Commercial support is available from Nginx, Inc.
Basic HTTP server features
- Serving static and index files, autoindexing; open file descriptor cache;
- Accelerated reverse proxying with caching; load balancing and fault tolerance;
- Accelerated support with caching of FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, and memcached servers; load balancing and fault tolerance;
- Modular architecture. Filters include gzipping, byte ranges, chunked responses, XSLT, SSI, and image transformation filter. Multiple SSI inclusions within a single page can be processed in parallel if they are handled by proxied or FastCGI/uwsgi/SCGI servers;
- SSL and TLS SNI support;
- Support for HTTP/2 with weighted and dependency-based prioritization.
Other HTTP server features
- Name-based and IP-based virtual servers;
- Keep-alive and pipelined connections support;
- Access log formats, buffered log writing, fast log rotation, and syslog logging;
- 3xx-5xx error codes redirection;
- The rewrite module: URI changing using regular expressions;
- Executing different functions depending on the client address;
- Access control based on client IP address, by password (HTTP Basic authentication) and by the result of subrequest;
- Validation of HTTP referer;
- The PUT, DELETE, MKCOL, COPY, and MOVE methods;
- FLV and MP4 s†rêâmïng;
- Response rate limiting;
- Limiting the number of simultaneous connections or requests coming from one address;
- IP-based geolocation;
- A/B testing;
- Request mirroring;
- Embedded Perl;
- njs scripting language.
Mail proxy server features
- User redirection to IMAP or POP3 server using an external HTTP authentication server;
- User authentication using an external HTTP authentication server and connection redirection to an internal SMTP server;
- Authentication methods:
- SSL support;
- STARTTLS and STLS support.
TCP/UDP proxy server features
- Generic proxying of TCP and UDP;
- SSL and TLS SNI support for TCP;
- Load balancing and fault tolerance;
- Access control based on client address;
- Executing different functions depending on the client address;
- Limiting the number of simultaneous connections coming from one address;
- Access log formats, buffered log writing, fast log rotation, and syslog logging;
- IP-based geolocation;
- A/B testing;
- njs scripting language.
Architecture and scalability
- One master and several worker processes; worker processes run under an unprivileged user;
- Flexible configuration;
- Reconfiguration and upgrade of an executable without interruption of the client servicing;
- Support for kqueue (FreeBSD 4.1+), epoll (Linux 2.6+), /dev/poll (Solaris 7 11/99+), event ports (Solaris 10), select, and poll;
- The support of the various kqueue features including EV_CLEAR, EV_DISABLE (to temporarily disable events), NOTE_LOWAT, EV_EOF, number of available data, error codes;
- The support of various epoll features including EPOLLRDHUP (Linux 2.6.17+, glibc 2.8+) and EPOLLEXCLUSIVE (Linux 4.5+, glibc 2.24+);
- sendfile (FreeBSD 3.1+, Linux 2.2+, macOS 10.5+), sendfile64 (Linux 2.4.21+), and sendfilev (Solaris 8 7/01+) support;
- File AIO (FreeBSD 4.3+, Linux 2.6.22+);
- DIRECTIO (FreeBSD 4.4+, Linux 2.4+, Solaris 2.6+, macOS);
- Accept-filters (FreeBSD 4.1+, NetBSD 5.0+) and TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT (Linux 2.4+) support;
- 10,000 inactive HTTP keep-alive connections take about 2.5M memory;
- Data copy operations are kept to a minimum.
Tested OS and platforms
- FreeBSD 3 — 12 / i386; FreeBSD 5 — 12 / amd64; FreeBSD 11 / ppc; FreeBSD 12 / ppc64;
- Linux 2.2 — 4 / i386; Linux 2.6 — 5 / amd64; Linux 3 — 4 / armv6l, armv7l, aarch64, ppc64le; Linux 4 — 5 / s390x;
- Solaris 9 / i386, sun4u; Solaris 10 / i386, amd64, sun4v; Solaris 11 / x86;
- AIX 7.1 / powerpc;
- HP-UX 11.31 / ia64;
- macOS / ppc, i386, x86_64;
- Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, Windows 10. (SA 11 GAGANA DIN YAN!)
Anong gamit kong pang testing ng NGINX?
Lenovo Think PAD T420
Windows 10 PRO X64
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