- Aug 20, 2022
- 4,720
- 11,675
- 113
The forum has an update regarding account registration we have noticed that there are member spammers who have been restricted or banned from the forum site and will continue to create new accounts and repeat spamming. Dummy accounts / trolls / and spams will be avoided. if the spammer continues to create a new account and use an unknown email, it will be automatically rejected in the registration form.
Allowed / Whitelisted email list.
decline message in the registration form.

Email Confirmation
Using a temporary gmail or temp gmail may cause your registration to end up in spam and we would need to approve it, causing delays if you use a temporary gmail. It will go to the spam logs of our system, causing longer approval times. That's why we remind you to use a legitimate email.
Allowed / Whitelisted email list.
decline message in the registration form.

Email Confirmation
Using a temporary gmail or temp gmail may cause your registration to end up in spam and we would need to approve it, causing delays if you use a temporary gmail. It will go to the spam logs of our system, causing longer approval times. That's why we remind you to use a legitimate email.