
  1. Incog

    FREE POS System using PHP and MySQL | Laravel Framework

    Server Requirements POS requires PHP v8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ Mod_rewrite Apache BCMath PHP extension Ctype PHP, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Zip, Fileinfo, Gd, sodium Extension Steps: 1. Download the Link below. and extract 2. Install Xampp and start the Apache and MySQL 3...
  2. Incog

    Free POS by POSGABBY, Complete Sales invoicing, with inventory and sales report. (Bug fixed)

    Free POS by POSGABBY, Complete Sales invoicing, with inventory and sales report. (Bug fixed) July 7 2023 User friendly & easy to use Compatible for Windows and Mac OS. Modifiable sales invoice header. you can connect up to 5 clients (Network) to main server at the sametime. Stocks history in...